
Leisure Suit Larry : Wet Dreams Dry Twice Review

Larry Laffer’s latest raunchy adventure is a solid entry in the point and click genre that’s loaded with the series’ trademark raunchy humor

Platforms: PS4/5, PC, Xbox One/Series, Nintendo Switch

Leisure Suit Larry : Wet Dreams Dry Twice was reviewed on a PS4

I was always intrigued by the Leisure Suit Larry games. As a child, I was a big fan of point and click games, even though half my time playing them was spent getting stuck in some random puzzle. I was always randomly combining items in my inventory hoping that I’d get the item I need to progress. Despite my experience as a hardened veteran of the genre, I never played any of Larry Laffer’s adventures before. The sexual innuendos and suggestive visuals were my forbidden fruit of gaming.

Wet Dreams Dry Twice is actually my first Leisure Suit Larry as an adult, so I’m hoping that this review will give a fresh new perspective on whether Wet Dreams is worth a buy for a series newcomer.

What is Leisure Suit Larry : Wet Dreams Dry Twice?

It’s a 2D adventure point and click game that serves as the direct sequel to Wet Dreams Don’t Dry. It’s a throwback to the classical adventure games. It never tries to be anything more than that so don’t go into it expecting to have a genre redefining experience.

If on the other hand, you’re expecting colorful and gorgeous hand drawn 2D backdrops, dirty jokes and some fun puzzles, you won’t be disappointed. Larry Laffer acts and looks like a caricature version of an 80s Wall street businessman / womanizer. Following his last adventure in Wet Dreams Don’t Dry, you guide him through a beautiful set of tropical locations as he looks for his missing lover, Faith.

The game’s story isn’t too complicated, but it often references events from the previous game. Since I’ve never played it, I don’t even know what Faith looks like. The game does give you a bit of recap at the beginning, but it doesn’t give you enough details to understand what’s exactly going on in Don’t Dry. I’m assuming the developers are doing this to get newcomers to try out the prequel. It didn’t particularly hinder my enjoyment of the game too much, since the writing is still solid and it’s enjoyable to listen to the voice acting.

Tongue In Cheek Humor

The game’s dedication to ahem *inserting* a male genitalia into each scene is impressive to say the least. It’s raunchy and childish humor but it’s a Leisure Suit Larry game, so that’s to be expected. A bar named scum-bar has all the letters turned on on its neon sign except for the letter S so yeah, that’s the kinda humor you get here. The bartender gives you the recipe for a drink called “The Tiki-Twister”. Okay I gotta give them that one, that’s actually pretty clever. The way Larry says it in his expressive voice “I’d like a Tiki-Twister” made me chuckle.

He crafts sails for his homemade raft using a pile of female underwear but not before creating “entertainment” for the trip using a ball and a, you know what, I’ll just let your imagination run wild on that one. The humor also relies on satirizing some modern day concepts such as the Fyre music festival fiasco and social media influencers.

Keeping it Simple

It’s easy to get stuck on a challenging puzzle, but at least the game simplifies things a bit for you. Pressing L3 and R3 together allows you to highlight all of the objects that you can interact with and R2 and L2 allows you to quickly switch between the interactable objects. Both these options make Wet Dreams Dry Twice a smooth point and click game. By smooth, I mean that it doesn’t waste your time by having you look around for new objects to interact with and click on.

The puzzles aren’t too obscure and often rely on logic. They strike the right balance between being difficult enough and not being frustrating, which makes them highly enjoyable to solve. There’s also a few great ones and they feel fresh even for a seasoned player of point and click games.


The only drawback of the game is that it suffers from the same clichéd issues of the genre, but veterans of the genre should be used to them by now. A nostalgic throwback to the 90s, Leisure Suit Larry : Wet Dreams Dry Twice will give you around 6-8 hours of playtime.

If you’re itching for a solid point and click game and don’t mind the raunchy humor, then you’ll feel quite at home with Larry Laffer’s latest adventure. The hand drawn art style is wonderful to look at, the voice acting is solid and the writing is more than entertaining. The story isn’t too compelling, but the dialogues and the varied cast of characters will keep things feeling fresh throughout.

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Special thanks go to the publishers for providing us with a review code.

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You should play Leisure Suit Larry : Wet Dreams Dry Twice if you

  • Enjoy traditional point and click games
  • Love the vibrant 2D art style
  • Don’t mind the usual tropes of the genre
  • Love the raunchy humor of the series
  • Don’t mind the slightly generic story

Leisure Suit Larry : Wet Dreams Dry Twice’s Score


Leisure Suit Larry : Wet Dreams Dry Twice

  • Developed by: CrazyBunch
  • Published by : Assemble Entertainment
  • Platforms: PS4/5, PC, Xbox One/Series, Nintendo Switch.
  • Release Date: October 23, 2020

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