Ichiplayer Presents


Ichiplayer presents to you Milosc, a graphic novel turned videogame created by Cammy Z and illustrated by James Lavery.

Coming Soon in Late 2022

Ichiplayer is proud to announce the start of something beautiful, an official partnership with Milosc, a story that began as a graphic novel but is now expanding into a fully fledged old-school JRPG videogame.

Milosc – Announcement Trailer

What is Milosc ?

Join Milosc’s four unlikely protagonists, Nico, Yuna, Mika and Linn as they wander through the post-apocalyptic streets of Gotoku using the powers of friendship and camaraderie to defeat any Ruca or Orie unlucky enough to cross their paths.

They form a special bond of friendship that allows them to fight back against evil forces as well as their own inner demons and struggles. It’s a unique tale of four very lonely and apathetic individuals who gather together to battle a mysterious force split into two equal slices of a Graphic Novel & Video Game.

Scratch beneath the surface, and you’ll discover that Milosc is a mature story that hopes to raise awareness for mental health through its charming and cute characters. Each one of the four protagonists is a complex and relatable character.

Set In a Post-Apocalyptic Universe

Written by Cammy Z and illustrated by the miraculous James Lavery, Milosc takes place within a post-apocalyptic world where a massive cataclysm has destroyed the majority of humanity. The individuals who were left unharmed continue their daily lives suffering from sadness and melancholy while an odd and shady corporation begins to take hold of this tattered and susceptible new world.

Milosc, at its heart, represents four lonely individuals who each suffer from a different disorder and it is only when they come together that they feel alleviated from their own personal emotional and mental burdens. Alienation, Existential dread, blossoming friendships and Overcoming One’s Own Inner Struggles Are some of the many profound Themes explored in Milosc.

What is your biggest fear? Loneliness? Confrontation? A shady and overbearing corporation taking over the entire world? Well in Milosc, after dealing with each of their own unique fears, our protagonists Nico, Yuna, Mika and Linn band together to overcome what looks to be their biggest struggle throughout their adventure through Gotoku.

When Can I Get Milosc?

You’ll be able to get your hands on both the graphic novel and the videogame in late 2022.

Make sure to visit Milosc’s official website and follow Milosc’s official Instagram page @milosc.mie to stay updated.

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